Yet another insult song. After Kangen Band and Agnes Monica, now it’s turn for Duo Maia – Maia Ahmad. Insulting song for Duo Maia labeled A Tribute to Maia, Lagu Cacian Buat Maia, sang by The Law. A new rapper wannabe maybe, just like 8 Balls sang an insulting song for Kangen Band, Lagu Cacian Buat Kangen Band.
Just Look at the some of lyrics below:
Gaya harajuku lu lebih mirip cewe brengsek
Ibu tiga anak kok gayanya seperti bom sex
Ngaku jadi musisi tapi kemampuan cetek
Mendingan gw nonton mulan jadi bintang obat ketek
Download the song – A Tribute to Maia, here.
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