Eva Celia Latjuba

Full Name: Eva Celia Latjuba
Nickname: Eva Celia
TTL: Jakarta, 21 September 1992
Father Name: Indra Lesmana
Name of Mother: Sophia Latjuba
Child to: 1 of 1 brothers
Zodiac: Virgo
Hobbies: Singing, piano, graphic design, shopping, reading books
Favorite colors: Blue, green tosca
Favorite Food: Cooking mama, especially Japanese & European
Favorite Genre: Songs father (Indra Lesmana)
Favorite singer: Beyonce, Brian McKnight
Favorite movie Cast: Dakota Fanning and Merryl Streep

Photo Eva Celia Latjuba

Eva Celia Latjuba

Eva Celia Latjuba

Eva Celia Latjuba

Eva Celia Latjuba daoughter of actress Sophia Latjuba and musical Indra Lesmana orn in Jakarta 21 September 1992 follow her parents as celbrity in entertainment world.

The acting is not new for Eva Celia. Eva Celia grew up in the acting, because Eva Celia is also the nephew of the famous film producer, Mira Lesmana. Eva Celia's first taste of acting at the age of 8 years, when playing as a guest star in a television movie with Adjie Massaid and Ayu Azhari, and her mother, Sophia Latjuba Prima entertainment production.

Eva Celia was voted best player while playing in the film "Out of The Smoke", a short film that's included in the High / Scope Festival 2006 Junior High School, when she was a school in South Jakarta High Scope.



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