Chief Judge Deanell Reece Tacha
Judge Deanell Reece Tacha, left, and Professor Stacy Leeds with
she engaged in a "fireside chat" with Judge Deanell Reece Tacha of the
The judges for the Final Bench were: Honorable Deanell Reece Tacha
left and 10th Circut Judge Deanell Reece Tacha, right.
Deanell Reece Tacha
NNDB MAPPER, Create a map starting with, Deanell Reece Tacha .
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Marianne Seuferling, left, and Judge Deanell Reece Tacha, both of Lawrence,
Judge Deanell Reece Tacha Reception Judge Tacha
Judge Deanell Reece Tacha, who is leaving the Kansas Health Foundation's
TaxProf Blog: Deanell Reece Tacha Named Dean at Pepperdine Deanell Reece Tacha a Scandia Kansas native with a distinguished career in the federal judiciary
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during a "fireside chat" with Judge Deanell Reece Tacha on April 12 at the
Deanell Reece Tacha, Chief Judge of
Federal judge Deanell Reece Tacha will come on board at Pepperdine's law
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From left are Mary Loveland, Deanell Reece Tacha, Jan McCullough and Bill
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